Everybody sleeps. The longest recorded time of someone going without sleep is 11 days. As to what would happen after 11 days of sleep deprivation, your guess is as good as mine. But sleeping is not just about lying on a bed and shutting your eyes. Yes, as simple as sleeping is, most people go about it the wrong way because as with almost any other thing in this world, getting a good night's sleep is shrouded in legends and myths. This article traverses some of these myths with facts. Here are some of the myths and facts about getting a good night's sleep. Enjoy!
Myth 1: Exercising before going to sleep disturbs sleep
Fact: For so long, it has been the contention, albeit unproven, of many that engaging in exercise before going to sleep somehow negatively affects sleep. This assertion should be taken for what it is, a myth. The opposite has been seen to be the case as research has shown that exercise may help you sleep better. The only caution is that you shouldn't engage in vigorous exercise an hour before bed as it may take your body a while to relax.
Myth 2: Eating before going to sleep is bad
Fact: The fact remains that the jury is still out on this one. While findings have shown that eating before going to sleep can increase the risk of weight gain, there's no definitive evidence that snacking before bed is bad. Studies have shown that it could help people sleep better. The body's metabolism is functional even while at sleep and so eating before sleep ensures that you're not awakened in mid-sleep because of hunger. Ultimately, it is a matter of WHAT you eat and not that of WHETHER you eat. If the bulk of what you take in before you sleep are nutritious snacks like apples or peanut butter, you should enjoy a good night's rest. Whereas, if what you eat contains caffeine you may experience disrupted sleep circles.
Myth 3: Drinking alcohol before going to sleep helps you sleep better
Fact: Drinking alcohol before sleep is a two-edged sword. While on the one hand, it can help you fall asleep faster, it reduces the quality of the sleep you get. Studies have shown that taking alcohol before going to sleep affects cardiovascular relaxation negatively by disrupting your sleep circles, and worsening conditions like sleep apnea and snoring.
Myth 4: Drinking Coffee during the day cannot affect your sleep at night
Fact: Of the reasons that many people consume Coffee, its high caffeine component is one. While Caffeine can energize you and keep you alert during the day, it is not irregular to find yourself tossing and turning at night because you're unable to go to sleep. More so, studies have shown that it can delay sleep because it affects the circadian melatonin rhythms. So, while it may help you keep awake during the day, it can surely deprive you of much-needed good night sleep.